April 13, 2008

AIR wiki is open sourced

What can I say? I open sourced AIR wiki under the Mozilla Public License. I put all the sources on Google Code. These include:

  • the sources of the AIR Wiki application
  • the sources of a Flex library for doing very basic object-to-relational mapping (ASORM)
  • the sources of a Flex library for doing text diffs (ASTextDiff)
  • the sources of a ASTextDiffTester
The ASTextDiff library is not yet used by AIRWiki, because it is still too buggy to my taste. As I mentioned in my previous post, I ported a TextDiff algorithm that was written in Java to ActionScript 3. The original algorithm is well documented and looked promising. It was fairly easy to port to AS3. I added a few functions for generating edit scripts and reading those edit scripts back and reproduce a new version text from an old version of that text. And that is where it gets buggy. Play a little bit with the ASTextDiffTester application, and you will see what I mean. Your invited to help me out here.

Here's the project page URL: http://code.google.com/p/airwiki

You can download the sources and use it to your advantage as long as you don't violate the MPL rules. And you are more than welcome to contribute to the source code too. Just let me know, and I will create the necessary account.

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